Case Study: Clayton and Crume

company makes plastic face shields using a tying machine

Company Details

Clayton and Crume
Louisville, KY

Clayton and Crume is committed to tradition, community, and innovation. The traditions of their values are seen in their hand crafted leather goods ranging from belts and wallets, to luggage and other quality accessories. Their work in supporting their local community of Louisville allows them to give back. And when the COVID-19 pandemic struck, they used their innovation to create solutions to help protect their community. 

An Innovative Switch

Because of social distancing requirements, co-founders, Tyler Jury and Clay Simpson, had to close their retail spaces but kept their production facility up and running in innovative ways to produce thousands of protective face masks for frontline workers.

The company reached out to Felins to help re-engineer their design. They needed to produce half a million face shields and this called for Clayton and Crume to speed up their production and assembly with elastic.

Felins immediately placed a rush on their order for two Pak-Tyer machines, with the Felins production team expediting the build and our warehouse team expediting the freight in order to get the machines to Clayton and Crume as soon as possible.


“Prior to using the Pak-Tyers and your elastic, we were producing 2,000-3,000 shields per day,” says Tyler. “Once we re-engineered our design and found you guys our numbers soared to 30,000 shields daily.” The company was able to fulfill their order for 500,000 face shields for the Governer of Kentucky within the planned time frame. They also realized they were able to cut back on costs, saving their company even more. Tyler says they spent nearly $50,000 on elastic from a competitor and once they purchased Felins’ elastic, realized that it was not only stronger and better, it was a third of the cost. “Working with Felins was a smooth, consistent process and without your help I’m afraid we’d still be making shields!”

Thanks to their innovative spirit and values, they were able to employ 180 employees to make shields! This enthusiasm to help their community is absolutely commendable and Felins was honored to join the project.